15 research outputs found

    TreeQN and ATreeC: Differentiable Tree-Structured Models for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Combining deep model-free reinforcement learning with on-line planning is a promising approach to building on the successes of deep RL. On-line planning with look-ahead trees has proven successful in environments where transition models are known a priori. However, in complex environments where transition models need to be learned from data, the deficiencies of learned models have limited their utility for planning. To address these challenges, we propose TreeQN, a differentiable, recursive, tree-structured model that serves as a drop-in replacement for any value function network in deep RL with discrete actions. TreeQN dynamically constructs a tree by recursively applying a transition model in a learned abstract state space and then aggregating predicted rewards and state-values using a tree backup to estimate Q-values. We also propose ATreeC, an actor-critic variant that augments TreeQN with a softmax layer to form a stochastic policy network. Both approaches are trained end-to-end, such that the learned model is optimised for its actual use in the tree. We show that TreeQN and ATreeC outperform n-step DQN and A2C on a box-pushing task, as well as n-step DQN and value prediction networks (Oh et al. 2017) on multiple Atari games. Furthermore, we present ablation studies that demonstrate the effect of different auxiliary losses on learning transition models

    Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs

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    Many real-world sequential decision making problems are partially observable by nature, and the environment model is typically unknown. Consequently, there is great need for reinforcement learning methods that can tackle such problems given only a stream of incomplete and noisy observations. In this paper, we propose deep variational reinforcement learning (DVRL), which introduces an inductive bias that allows an agent to learn a generative model of the environment and perform inference in that model to effectively aggregate the available information. We develop an n-step approximation to the evidence lower bound (ELBO), allowing the model to be trained jointly with the policy. This ensures that the latent state representation is suitable for the control task. In experiments on Mountain Hike and flickering Atari we show that our method outperforms previous approaches relying on recurrent neural networks to encode the past

    Auto-Encoding Sequential Monte Carlo

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    We build on auto-encoding sequential Monte Carlo (AESMC): a method for model and proposal learning based on maximizing the lower bound to the log marginal likelihood in a broad family of structured probabilistic models. Our approach relies on the efficiency of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) for performing inference in structured probabilistic models and the flexibility of deep neural networks to model complex conditional probability distributions. We develop additional theoretical insights and introduce a new training procedure which improves both model and proposal learning. We demonstrate that our approach provides a fast, easy-to-implement and scalable means for simultaneous model learning and proposal adaptation in deep generative models

    My Body is a Cage: the Role of Morphology in Graph-Based Incompatible Control

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    Multitask Reinforcement Learning is a promising way to obtain models with better performance, generalisation, data efficiency, and robustness. Most existing work is limited to compatible settings, where the state and action space dimensions are the same across tasks. Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are one way to address incompatible environments, because they can process graphs of arbitrary size. They also allow practitioners to inject biases encoded in the structure of the input graph. Existing work in graph-based continuous control uses the physical morphology of the agent to construct the input graph, i.e., encoding limb features as node labels and using edges to connect the nodes if their corresponded limbs are physically connected. In this work, we present a series of ablations on existing methods that show that morphological information encoded in the graph does not improve their performance. Motivated by the hypothesis that any benefits GNNs extract from the graph structure are outweighed by difficulties they create for message passing, we also propose Amorpheus, a transformer-based approach. Further results show that, while Amorpheus ignores the morphological information that GNNs encode, it nonetheless substantially outperforms GNN-based methods

    Exploration in Approximate Hyper-State Space for Meta Reinforcement Learning

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    To rapidly learn a new task, it is often essential for agents to explore efficiently -- especially when performance matters from the first timestep. One way to learn such behaviour is via meta-learning. Many existing methods however rely on dense rewards for meta-training, and can fail catastrophically if the rewards are sparse. Without a suitable reward signal, the need for exploration during meta-training is exacerbated. To address this, we propose HyperX, which uses novel reward bonuses for meta-training to explore in approximate hyper-state space (where hyper-states represent the environment state and the agent's task belief). We show empirically that HyperX meta-learns better task-exploration and adapts more successfully to new tasks than existing methods.Comment: Published at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 202

    VariBAD: A Very Good Method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning

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    Trading off exploration and exploitation in an unknown environment is key to maximising expected return during learning. A Bayes-optimal policy, which does so optimally, conditions its actions not only on the environment state but on the agent's uncertainty about the environment. Computing a Bayes-optimal policy is however intractable for all but the smallest tasks. In this paper, we introduce variational Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL (variBAD), a way to meta-learn to perform approximate inference in an unknown environment, and incorporate task uncertainty directly during action selection. In a grid-world domain, we illustrate how variBAD performs structured online exploration as a function of task uncertainty. We further evaluate variBAD on MuJoCo domains widely used in meta-RL and show that it achieves higher online return than existing methods.Comment: Published at ICLR 202

    Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Stochastic Environments

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    Many applications of imitation learning require the agent to generate the full distribution of behaviour observed in the training data. For example, to evaluate the safety of autonomous vehicles in simulation, accurate and diverse behaviour models of other road users are paramount. Existing methods that improve this distributional realism typically rely on hierarchical policies. These condition the policy on types such as goals or personas that give rise to multi-modal behaviour. However, such methods are often inappropriate for stochastic environments where the agent must also react to external factors: because agent types are inferred from the observed future trajectory during training, these environments require that the contributions of internal and external factors to the agent behaviour are disentangled and only internal factors, i.e., those under the agent's control, are encoded in the type. Encoding future information about external factors leads to inappropriate agent reactions during testing, when the future is unknown and types must be drawn independently from the actual future. We formalize this challenge as distribution shift in the conditional distribution of agent types under environmental stochasticity. We propose Robust Type Conditioning (RTC), which eliminates this shift with adversarial training under randomly sampled types. Experiments on two domains, including the large-scale Waymo Open Motion Dataset, show improved distributional realism while maintaining or improving task performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Published at IROS'2